Bizarre coincidence? (118 & 134)

1. If you have read this web-site you may remember that over the years of developing it I have mentioned three things:

If you read them again you may find it a little bizarre that David Beckham has called his daughter Harper Seven Beckham.


2. The year of the spectrum of mostly young left leaning people splitting my, (so recently experiencing blissful compassion), consciousness was 1977. For some reason they wanted me to choose to move to the right. Later this became a kind of insistence that I be an extreme right winger (you may have read the bit about an illusion I found myself in after 1977 when I returned to England [see The Draining]),  . Now a right wing Norwegian has killed 77 mostly young socialists.


3. The incident when I was split at the Rebecca ø Fest occurred in September 1977. September is named after the seventh month of the Roman calendar so it was in 7/77 this incident took place. The South African racist Boers used the number 777 as a sort of rival to 666, the supposed number of the beast and, during the period of the draining referenced in the previous paragraph, it was as though my thoughts were being possessed by a racism inciting madness.




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